Event Information..
The Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival is a fishing competition which also includes random Promotional Prize draws for ticket holders attending the organised activities(Family Fun Day). All fully paid entrants are entitled to free entry to the promotional draws. It is YOUR responsibility to review general information, rules and conditions each year.
Midday, Monday 16th September to Midday Saturday 21st September 2024.
Entrants need to collect their entry cards prior to fishing in the comp, to enable weigh in's.
Each registered entrant or Family team will be issued with an entry card, program and info sheet upon signing in at the Baffle Creek Community Grounds during the following times
Mon 16th between 8am and 12 noon
Tue 17TH to Fri 20TH between 8am and 10am
NO SATURDAY PICK UP. unless with prior arrangement.
To be eligible for promo prize draws you must have paid your entry fee in full before 10am Friday 20th Sept 2024.
Only Pre-registered and Paid entrants will be able to collect their packs from Midskinrick lodge (135 Newtons Road, Rosedale, Qld 4674) from Monday 16th Sept. You MUST notify us that you request this service when filling out your entry forms. If you don't you will have to come to the Baffle Creek Community Grounds to collect at the times above.
All Photo's of fish wanting to be entered must be on an official BCFFF brag mat (previous years mats are acceptable) and MUST have your ID card clearly visible in the ID box on the brag mat.
To be eligible to win any major prize YOU MUST produce your ID card on collection of any prizes.
Kicks off at 5pm at the Baffle Creek Community Grounds 569 coast rd (beside the school)
Come down for a feed and a beer, raffles, 100's board, an update on the score board who's been catching what. Activities for the kids.
The Baffle Creek Fishing Club will be cooking on the oval for your convenience..
Will be held at the Baffle Creek Community grounds on Saturday 21st Sept with the day kicking off at 1pm and running through to 9pm.
Market stalls, food vendors, live music, Mullet throw competition, Raffles, promo draws, Kids play area and prize presentations.
If for any reason the Family Fun Day cant go ahead Fishing category winners will be notified by email and a time and place will be set for collection.
12.01am 1st JUNE 2024 via our web page.
Merchandise pre orders will close on the 21st July 2024
Online registrations close Wednesday Mid night 17th SEPT 2024. But you can still sign up in person at the
Community hall at the above times.
Family/teams (2 seniors and up to 3 children) ;$130.
Adults/Seniors ; $60,00
Juniors (8-15 yo) ; $40.00
Pre juniors (3 - 7 yo ) ;$20.00
NOTE: If entering as a Family Team only Senior entrants will go into the major draws. If you want Juniors and Pre Juniors to be entered into the Junior and Pre-junior major draws they will need to be entered separately.
For all Merchandise orders and info please click on the Merchandise button at the top of the page.
3 tickets for $5 Available during the Family fun day only, Winners will need to be onsite at draw to claim prizes.

The following species are eligible to win prizes at the 2024 Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival.
Prizes will be awarded for each of the following:
Target species
Seniors – longest length
Cod (estuary)
Flathead (up to 75cm)
Javelin (Grunter Bream)
Mangrove Jack $500.00 Cash Prize. Thanks to Tackle World Bundy.
Mud Crab​
Juniors – longest length
Cod (estuary)
Flathead (up to 75cm)
Javelin (Grunter Bream)
Pre-Juniors – longest length
Flathead (up to 75cm)
Mangrove Jack Prize
ALL individual entrants that have caught a Mangrove Jack (of legal size) will be entered into a draw to win $500 cash.
This years teams event attracts a $500 cash prize plus $10 from your teams entry fee go's into the pool.
Catch the most LEGAL SIZE FISH from our targeted fish species to win. All catches must be uploaded to our App to go into the chance to win the prize pool.
Sponsored by Bundy Crustaceans &Fishing Group
Competitors are encouraged to check in every (legal size) fish they catch (regardless of species) & nominate the “fisher” that caught the fish by using the “Not My Fish” section within the app.
Competitors may only enter as an Individual entrant.
It is the responsibility of each competitor to ensure they adhere to the Queensland Recreational Fishing Rules and Regulations at all times during the event.
The Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival uses a custom APP which is to be used by ALL competitors for a "virtual weigh in" of their catch. All fish entered must be taken on rod and reel or hand line ONLY and MUST BE OF LEGAL SIZE (if a fish entered is incorrectly identified, measured, not of legal length, or without entry card visible we reserve the right to remove that particular fish from the competition App). There is no need to weigh the fish unless you wish to.
All fish must be photographed live and measured on the official Brag Mat. No other mats will be accepted.
Your photos must show the whole fish on the brag mat, with the head at the start of the mat, your photo must also display your current entry card placed in the space provided on the brag mat.
Visibly dead, scaled or gutted fish may not be accepted.
Mud Crabs must be photographed on the brag mat belly side up to ensure only male crabs are entered.
All fish must be measured in mm
"Glory shots" are encouraged and can be added to your App uploads. App instructions will be provided upon collection of entry cards and will also be provided prior to event via email and Facebook.
Pre-Junior & Junior competitors must catch the fish and retrieve the fish to the boat or shore themselves. A parent can help lift the fish into the boat.
At the conclusion of the "allowed fishing time" (midday Saturday 21st Sep) a compilation of Fish Category Winners will be take place. Prizes will be awarded to the longest fish caught throughout the week in each category listed above for Pre-Junior, Junior, Senior competitors. If by chance there is a tie length, it will be awarded to the first one checked-in. The Winning competitors must present their Entry Card at presentation of prizes.
Competition entrants may fish all the Creeks, Rivers, Estuaries, Beaches and offshore from the southern bank of Baffle Creek up to Wreck Rock (Excluding all "No Fishing Zones") from boat, personal water craft, land based, kayak, canoe or whatever means.
All persons operating vessels must follow all current Queensland Department of Transport regulations.
Our Family Fun Day commences at midday on Saturday 21st September 2024 at the Baffle Creek Community grounds. Prize presentations will commence at 3pm. A full Fun Day program will be provided prior to event. No more than one prize will be awarded in respect of any one fish category caught. If a fish category winning length is a tie, the prize will be awarded to the first recorded entry.
Promotional prize draws will be drawn throughout the day prior to the fishing competition prize presentations during the Family Fun Day. Promotional draws will be drawn from all individual entrants. On each Prize Draw the winning entrant must present themselves to the event organisers/stage area with their Entry Card to claim prize prior to the commencement of presentations. If not claimed,within two minutes they will be immediately redrawn All major prize winners will also require formal identification upon presenting themselves to the announcer.
Promotional prizes will be drawn in order of ascending retail value and the winners names will then be returned to the barrel after each draw to ensure all entrants have an equal chance of winning the major prize (of highest retail value)
Major Draws will be drawn at approximately 7pm at the Family Fun Day.
NOTE: ALL FULL FEE paying entrants will be entered into the promotional prize draws.
Any evidence of falsification such as:
fish caught outside the Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival dates, times or fishing boundaries;
an individual weighing in fish without a 2024 Entry card shown in the photo
netted, speared or deck reel landed fish; or
any action in defiance of the rules and goodwill of the competition;
Will be placed in the hands of the Management Committee and persons involved will be withdrawn from the competition.
We will have some raffles on sale during the Baffle Creek Family Fun Day. The closing time for raffle purchases will be 5.45pm on Saturday 21st September, with the raffles to be drawn at approximately 6pm.
Under the condition that the Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival is an amateur competition, the Competitors shall comply with:
That Baffle Creek Fishing Club accepts no liability for any injury, loss or damage to any person or property in the course of the competition when such injury or loss is due, or alleged to be due to any act, neglect or default on the part of Baffle Creek Fishing Club or of any official or agency thereof, and all competitors fully understand that in so participating they do so entirely at their own risk and agree to abide by all rules and regulations;
No alcohol or glass bottles are permitted on the Baffle Creek Community grounds (event venue) during the event. The Baffle Creek Community grounds are a licensed premise during the Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival event and alcohol will be available for purchase and consumption within a designated area. Bag checks may be conducted upon entry by our onsite security;
Baffle Creek Community grounds are classed as a non-smoking area. A designated area will be provided for smokers;
Under no circumstances are there to be any transfer of Official Entry Card to another name prior to or during the event;
As a competitor &/or fun day attendee, you authorise, give permission for Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival Management Committee for use of any audio/visual imagery taken of yourself via photography, video content, drone footage and audio recordings, name, to be used for purposes of material produced for education, promotion, marketing or advertising for (included but not limited too) print, media releases, radio, TV, website, social media, graphics, editorials, banners, stickers, shirts, corflutes, street signs. Also, unless otherwise stated, there will be no restrictions on the geographical distribution of material produced;
If you have a child/ren under the age of 18 years old, you give permission and all rights for Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival Management Committee for use of any audio/visual imagery taken of child/ren via photography, video content, drone footage and audio recordings, name, to be used for purposes of education, promotion, marketing or advertising for (included but not limited too) print, media releases, radio, TV, website, social media, graphics, editorials, banners, stickers, shirts, corflutes, street signs. Also, unless otherwise stated, there will be no restrictions on the geographical distribution of material produced. If the minor is under the laws of the state where his/hers appearance is recorded.
By submitting the Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival registration form &/or attending our Family Fun Day you agree that:
You have read the Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival Rules and Conditions of the Competition presented; and
You understand the terms described and are lawfully abiding by these terms and conditions granting Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival rights given under this contract.
Your contact details will be added to our database to receive further promotional material about this event and future events organised by the Baffle Creek Fishing Club.
In the event of any dispute or any differing interpretation of the rules and conditions of the Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival competition, the competitor may write to the Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival stating their dispute. The Baffle Creek Family Fishing Festival Management Committee will hear the dispute after the competition is completed providing the disputing competitor a fair hearing. The disputing competitor will be advised in writing of the outcome of the Management Committee regarding the dispute. The management committee decision is final.